The blog for The Solitaire Rose Experience. Yes, the blog revolution is utterly and completely over. However, I haven't figured that out yet, so I'll be listing articles, ideas, links, and other internet debris. Now, you can join in! And be mocked mercilessly!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Random re-start

The Shinders I used to manage in the early 90's (where I got paid a massive executive wage of $7.25 an hour) is gone. I was going to buy some comic boxes on the way home today and they were completely gone. NO sign they were ever there.

I guess the Bloomington one has shut down as well.

3 of my co-workers are addicted to WoW, and say they play at least two hours a night. I am trying to figure out how to carve an hour a night for writing while still going to the gym and eating something not out of a bag. And yes, I am liking the job more every day. After being away from the cubicle world for about 6 years, I find it has some good things...good pay (my check for my first week was the same size as a check for two weeks working at the group home), discounts on movie tickets and other such stuff, co-workers who don't want to convert me to Limbaugh, Bush and Jesus (in that order), and I get to just do my job, not my job and cleaning toilets and the CEO's job and so on and so on.

I'm sure I'll chafe at the restrictions in a while, but for now it's nice to be around Just Normal People instead of juggling crisis after crisis. And I have yet to see a situation where I am trying to figure out how to wash vomit out of my hair before a board meeting, which is an improvement over my last job.


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