The blog for The Solitaire Rose Experience. Yes, the blog revolution is utterly and completely over. However, I haven't figured that out yet, so I'll be listing articles, ideas, links, and other internet debris. Now, you can join in! And be mocked mercilessly!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

National Novel Writing Month - My novel, day one

National Novel Writing Month That's right, I'm doing it again, for the 5th year in a row.

I am probably done for the day, and my word count is 7444.

That's right, but then I always get out of the gate with a splash because the book's first act is usually completely formed in my head by the time I start writing. I "see" it, as a movie, and then write it as fast as I can, describing what I've seen, plotted and thought about for the previous month or so. It's also a particular kind of fantasy/fish-out-of-water story, so introducing characters and settings are pretty easy, since the main character is seeing them for the first time.

I was surprised by a few characters showing up, and as I wrote them, I liked them enough that they will probably stay around. The rest was all pretty much as I envisioned it, and I stopped right before I had to do a batch of exposition, which is much better to write when I'm at home and can do it while listening to my own music and such. I was also surprised that the opening section (which was the inspiration for the novel itself) ended up only being about 3000 words. I had planned it being longer, but as I wrote it, I found that the situation was simple and easy enough to grasp that I didn't have to spend a lot of time setting it up.

I'm toying with the idea of posting it in a LJ/blog type thing instead of how I've done it in previous years, chapter by chapter in a section of my website. If anyone would rather read it on LJ, let me know, as I'll prolly start putting it on line in some way this weekend.

Stress level: Low
Word Count: 7444
On Target: Yes
Surprises: 3 unplanned characters.


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